Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Neo-Nazi arrested over alleged assault on Channel Nine security guard | ...

(Channel Nine, Australia)

With the deliberate provocative words...."Dance Monkey" An altercation between the Channel 9 Security Officer and the Lad Society leader Thomas Sewell resulted in an assault of a Security Officer and the disappearance of Thomas Sewell from Police apprehension.
Presently, the Victorian Police are in pursuit of the leader of the Lad Society which is connected directly with the National Front organisation, the Sonnenkreig, which has now been officially designated as a Terrorist Organisation in Australia.
SonnenKreig is a British organisation which has links with the Hammerskins, and the Stormfront, White Supremacist Organisations, which has become more salient amongst altright elements, derived from the League of Right circles. These right wing extremist Groups have been in existence, and have gone, relatively, under the radar, as the purported silent majority, throughout Australian society, for decades.
Most members of the Lad Society have purported links, or have some interest, in the Australian military services.
The ADF have conducted a thorough screening process of their rank and file over allegations of Bastardisation and a culture of Hatred which have been groomed among their rank and file for decades.
It seems apparent, that some of those people are obviously members of these extremist organisations, today.
Tim Tufuga
2nd March, 2021.

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